Courtney Kwiatkowski | MILE Social Digital Internet Marketing Agency in Middletown, New Jersey - Part 12
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Courtney Kwiatkowski


A Brand Within a Brand

Fact: Just about everyone posts photos when they are on vacation, or when they return from vacation. What exactly is in the photo?  Aside from a beaming smile taken with a selfie stick, what is in the background that is still visible?  A soon-to-be bride posts a picture with the caption, “Getting Ready for the [...]

New for Twitter

New for Twitter

When someone used to asked me “What is Twitter,” I simply described it a list of real-time Facebook statuses. At the time, most people used Facebook as their primary source of social media, so I figured that description was relatable and easiest to understand. Twitter is much more now, and is definitely doing what it [...]


The Power of a Picture

We all know the saying “A picture is worth a thousand words.” But how many words is your picture really saying on social media platforms, specifically the forever growing Instagram? Anyone can take a picture, and just about everyone can see it. You have no choice but to step up your picture game if you [...]

Event Planning

Social Media and Event Planning

We all should recognize by now that social media is one of the most popular forms of communicating with friends, family, and even co-workers. If your company is planning an event, what better way to communicate than through social media? When done right, this modern “invite” can go a long way, have a successful outcome, [...]