Courtney Kwiatkowski | MILE Social Digital Internet Marketing Agency in Middletown, New Jersey - Part 4
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Courtney Kwiatkowski

Facebook Tips for Customer Loyalty

Facebook Tips for Customer Loyalty

With competition at its highest due to the abundance of online retailers during the COVID-19 pandemic brand and customer loyalty is in danger of becoming a thing of the past.  Consumers are finding the goods that they need through different companies and tending to repeat business at certain brands or businesses less and less.  Brand [...]

Instagram’s New Dashboard Feature

Instagram’s New Dashboard Feature

Instagram is unveiling a new feature that will allow influencers and users alike to maximize their content by offering tips and tricks to not only grow their platform but also increase their engagement rates and interactions. The main components of this new feature offered by Instagram will allow users to grow their brand through branded [...]

Planning Tweets and a Twitter Strategy Make for Effective Social Media

Planning Tweets and a Twitter Strategy Make for Effective Social Media

Jumping right into 2021 and not wasting any time in the new year Twitter recently unveiled their guide to help with effective social media techniques for their users.  Given the uncertainty that ensued last year, it was hard for companies and influencers to market events and specific dates with everything being up in the air.  [...]

Personalizing Social Media Posts

Personalizing Social Media Posts

  Personalizing social media accounts is a leading initiative for businesses, brands, and influencers in 2021.  Personalizing multiple social media channels for a brand or business means giving the platform a personal voice and tone. It not only makes the account more cohesive but it gives the account personality and helps the followers and consumers [...]

Facebook Updates Page Likes and Follows

Facebook Updates Page Likes and Follows

Facebook is rolling out a new feature that will change the way people follow and like pages. This new update, Page Experience will allow users to “Like” a page but not necessarily require that they “Follow” the page. In the past when a person liked a page the person automatically followed them and would from [...]

Instagram Reels are the Go-To 2021 Social Media Tool

Instagram Reels are the Go-To 2021 Social Media Tool

Instagram is one of, if not the most important social media platforms being used by professionals in today’s bustling market.  Predicting consumer’s wants and needs is not always as simple as it seems.  Capturing their attention and “Follow” based on a single post or a short video clip may soon be a way of the [...]

New Website For Loconsolo Paints

New Website For Loconsolo Paints

We’re kicking off the new year with a new website for our long-time client, Loconsolo Paints. MILE Social has been managing Loconsolo’s social media platforms for a few years. When Jonathan, the Vice President, knew it was time for a website upgrade, he wanted to keep his digital presence under one umbrella and asked MILE [...]

Eagle Food Service

Eagle Food Service

Eagle Food Service is a family and veteran-owned meat purveyor. They deliver high-quality meats and well-known brands of cheeses, dressings, and condiments to restaurants in New York and New Jersey. They are known for their close relationships with their vendors and customers. After purchasing a new truck and updating its logo, a new website was [...]

Your Company’s Social Media Strategy in 2021

Your Company’s Social Media Strategy in 2021

This past year posed many unfortunate obstacles for small business owners. Yet, we did learn a lot about creative social media strategies in 2020. Many of these strategies did prove successful and should be carried over into the new year. Times are changing, how should your company adjust in 2021? With the growth of online [...]