MILE Social is looking for an experienced WordPress developer to join our team. We are a social media agency with an expanding client base. This opportunity is remote, no need to spend your time commuting. There is plenty of work to be done so an ability to work with minimal supervision is high on our [...]

Courtney Kwiatkowski

Google Adds Video To Google Business Listings
January 15, 2018Google is improving and adding new features to google business listings. Now, you can upload videos to your business profile. Video is the most engaging form of content. This new feature appears in both searches and maps. Contact us for more information about adding video, and managing your Google Business Listing.

You Can Now Follow Hashtags On Instagram
December 18, 2017Instagram has expanded its Following options beyond just accounts. Now you can follow your favorite # hashtags on Instagram. This new feature is perfect for business Instagram accounts because it makes it easier to find content that is relevant to your industry. Consider this another search option. Your social media manager should be taking a deeper dive beyond [...]

View Counts Are Now On Twitter
December 14, 2017Twitter looks yet again to improve its platform by adding view counts to videos. This follows suit of YouTube, Snapchat, and Facebook. If you don’t know already, videos on Twitter play automatically as you scroll through your news feed. What counts as a full view? Two seconds counts as one view. The useful analytic is just [...]

To Wait, Or Not To Wait…Just Google It
November 8, 2017You want to go out to eat but did not make a reservation. You call the restaurant to find out the wait time, but no one is answering the phone. How do you find out your wait time? Just Google It. Google announced they will be rolling out a new feature that shows wait times [...]

Fall Back On Time, Not Your Social Media
November 1, 2017This weekend the clocks change and we “fall back” one hour. It will become darker earlier causing people to feel tired and not wanting to do much. But this is the time of year where the hustle matters the most, especially if you’re a business owner. Cue the “H” word – Holidays. By now you [...]

Loconsolo Paints
October 16, 2017MILE Social would like to welcome Loconsolo Paints to the family. Loconsolo Paints is a family owned and operated multiple outlet chain of Benjamin Moore Decorating Centers. They asked MILE Social to help grow their online presence through Facebook, Google Business Listings, and a new Instagram account. MILE Social creates and posts content, engages with their [...]

Why Your Business Needs Facebook’s Messenger Bots
September 7, 2017Facebook has offered another way to personalize communication for Business Pages. Many potential customers feel more comfortable contacting the business via text. Messenger Bots offer a quick, customized response that lets people know your company cares and will help them out shortly. The new AI for Messenger 2.1 increases conversation and enhances the business experience. [...]

Is Your Website Secure with HTTPS & SSL?
August 17, 2017Having a secure website is a no-brainer. Making sure your website is secure can be a little complicated. Three things determine a secure website -Authentication, Data Integrity, and Encryption. Google announced that all websites need HTTPS and SSL. What does this mean? Let’s break it down. HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. This ensures secure [...]