When I was younger I was mesmerized by the glossy advertisements in my fashion magazines. Most adults flipped through them to get to the articles. I did the opposite, examining and piecing the details in the picture until the message jumped out at me. The ad could represent anything; a clothing brand, a car, or even an alcohol brand; Absolute Vodka ads were a huge inspiration.
The visual stimulation always won me over and increased my want and “need” for that product (what twelve year old needs a $5000 pocketbook?). This influential force of energy is still used today. Thanks to a major shift in technology, ads have gone digital with infographics.

Infographics provide a variety of information in one graphic. A successful infographic influences audiences, and encourages them to find out more about your product. The graphic should be informative and influential.
Infographics are a great way for a business to present their audience with data, information, and knowledge in a visual manner. A captivating graphic is colorful, yet simple, and displays general information about your product or business. Business’s should share the infographic on all social media platforms. Including a CTA (call to action) button on your graphic encourages the reader to explore your product, and is a great way to re-direct them to your website.
Less is more. Inform your audience with as few words as possible while still getting your message across. Simplicity beautifies social media, and builds trust with your target market.
Keep your graphic visually appealing while representing your brand at the same time. Users will want others to have the same feeling they did after viewing your graphic, and will share it.
Maintain creativity. If you notice your infographic is thriving statistically, take the components that worked, and turn them into something else. Repeating the same graphic will bore your audience, and deter your business from presenting new information. I do suggest you revisit the infographics that work, and repost them in the future. You will be posting “fresh information” to new readers.
Another benefit to posting infographics is the number of views and impressions receives. On most social media platforms, graphics supersede word-only posts. As long as your graphic is not “spammy,” Google will “reward” your business if your graphic is shared, liked, and commented on by your audience. SEO increases. The only way is up from this point.