Google Shopping Offers Free Listings
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Google Shopping Offers Free Listings

Google Shopping Offers Free Listings

We have seen many changes this past year in the online retail sector. Businesses had to quickly adapt to the sudden increase of online sales in order to maintain profits. Websites had to be converted to e-commerce to continue sales. For some this was easy. For others, it was not.

Google has made it free to sell on Google Shopping. This makes it easier for retailers to connect with consumers, regardless if they advertise on Google or not. Stores that do not have a strong social media presence now have the ability to be discovered. Although this came into effect a few months ago, it is important to take advantage of it now during the ramp up of holiday sales. To make this transition easier, Google has partnered with Shopify, PayPal, and other e-commerce services so businesses simply connect any existing accounts they already have.

Google Shopping

With the holidays upon us, and less people going to stores, (and stores closing),  online sales will surely soar higher than they have in the past. Is your business prepared to handle the increased volume? Is your website e-commerce? MILE Social can help with your website design and management services. Contact us today for more information or call 732-889-3322 et 705.

This Article Was Written By Courtney Kwiatkowski

Courtney Kwiatkowski

Courtney combines her passion for Social Media and expertise with over 10 years of project management. As the Director of Social Media for MILE Social, Courtney oversees the social media platforms for every client. From strategizing, to content creation, to analytics, Courtney ensures MILE Social's clients turn their audience into paying clients.